Term 2 - December 2024 |
Message from Mr Humphreys, Headteacher |
Another busy term drifts into the Christmas holidays with plenty of action until the end with a wonderful carol service, winter sports week, Christmas school lunch and important mock feedback for Year 11.
We were deeply saddened to learn of the passing of the great Dr Paul Stephenson OBE (1937–2024) in November. Dr Paul Stephenson was a towering figure in British civil rights history, whose relentless pursuit of justice helped pave the way for racial equality and set powerful precedents that reverberate to this day. Throughout his life, Dr Stephenson inspired generations to fight for a society free from discrimination. His legacy will remain strong at St Katherine’s as a beacon of hope and a reminder that change is possible when people stand up against injustice. He will be remembered for his strength, his humility and his tireless work to secure a fairer, more inclusive society. Our Stephenson House students created a handmade digital collage which is now on display in reception.
Mock exams dominate the minds of our Year 11 students during Term 2 and there is always a welcome relief from students when they are finally over. Their engagement and focus have impressed teachers across subjects and the speed of feedback has been our focus before the break. The mocks provide an important insight for both teachers and students to provide focus for revision as we head into the new year. We look forward to sharing their results in January during our mock results assembly, before the subject evening on Thursday 24 January. It was great to see many of our Year 11 students exploring their sixth form options and pathways at our Sixth Form Open Evening in November and interviews continue until the end of term. If you have not applied but are interested, ask your tutor and Mr Davies, Head of Sixth Form will be in touch.
St Katherine’s fell silent on 11 November at 10:50am as our whole community gathered on the bottom courts to reflect and pay our respects to those who gave their lives during the world wars. Theeban played the bugler as the Last Post echoed across the courts and fields. A poignant reminder of the cost of conflict and the week offered moments of reflection during tutor time.
Huge thank you to the careers team for delivering a careers fair earlier in the term with over 35 employers and next step providers present. It was great to see students from Year 9 - 11 taking advantage of the opportunity to explore the exciting range of careers and critically, the pathways towards your chosen career, from higher level apprenticeships and degree apprenticeships to direct entry routes.
A part of our wide-reaching programme to drive improvement across the school we are continually trialling and evaluating new approaches to raise standards for both students and staff. This term we have been:
- working with the trust reviewing our approaches to safeguarding
- Reviewing our curriculum thinking and considering the quality of our curriculums across subjects
- working with our school improvement partner looking at our approach to writing in English and maths.
If you wish to join us in discussing the progress and changes the school is making, along with sharing any feedback with the school, please join our Coffee with the Headteacher. These are informal opportunities and our next one is on Monday 27 January from 0845-1000. We alternate the days and times throughout the year to offer maximum flexibility for families.
Our Christmas lunch has to be seen to be believed. It represents a huge team effort to deliver close to 600 lunches in a relatively tight window. Huge thank you to everyone for supporting the Christmas lunch special.
Finally I would like to wish you all a wonderful Christmas break and a very happy new year.
"As we approach the end of the year, we celebrate the richness of our diverse community. To those observing Christmas, Hanukkah, or Ōmisoka—or any other traditions that bring light, joy, and connection—may this season be filled with warmth and meaning. Wishing everyone a restful and joyful holiday break, however you choose to celebrate."
I look forward to welcoming students back to school on Tuesday 7 January 2024.
Justin Humphreys, Headteacher
Christmas wreath
We have so many creative students (and staff!) in the St Katherine's community. We also like to get competitive and work as a team to earn house points, so it was great to see the results of the recent tutor group wreath competition.
- Overall winner: 8P1
- Most creative: 9T2
- Most skilful: 11T2
- Headteacher's choice: 9Y and 11Y
- House rankings: 1st Pankhurst, 2nd Yousafzai, 3rd Turing and 4th Stephenson
Community carols
During the penultimate week of term, we gathered as a school community to sing carols together; this included students, staff and parents. We had a performance from the school choir and orchestra and heard readings of the Christmas story telling us how Jesus was born and how the angels, shepherds and wise men came to worship him.
Year 13 student Hope gave a short reflection of how her faith in Jesus gives her peace for today and hope for the future. We enjoyed hot chocolate and brownies and raised £107.30 which will be donated to the Pill Food Bank. Thank you to all those came and supported the event.
Mrs Holmes, Biology Lead
Christmas decorations
Miss Nattress organised a house competition to design a decoration to hang on the school Christmas tree. We had fantastic entries from both students and staff including house themed entries from Emily Brosa (9Y), Zoe Green (7P), Isla Speed (7T1) and Mya Widdowfield (7S2).
Celebrating Jarra's triumph
We are thrilled to announce that Jarra in 8S, one of our exceptionally talented students, has won first place in the prestigious Ovid in The West Country competition. Her outstanding entry - a beautifully crafted feminist retelling of the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur from Ariadne’s perspective -captivated the judges and secured her a well-deserved victory.
Jarra's creative reimagining brings to life Ariadne’s often-overlooked voice, shedding light on her intelligence, strength and resilience. Through rich storytelling and intricate world-building, she offers a fresh take on the ancient myth, transforming Ariadne from a mere supporting character into the true heroine of the tale. Her work not only challenges traditional narratives but also reflects the depth and sensitivity of her creative vision.
What makes Jarra’s achievement even more remarkable is that her story wasn’t just written; it was lovingly produced as a bound and illustrated short storybook. Each page is a testament to her dedication, featuring stunning visuals that complement her poetic prose and enrich the reader’s experience.
The Ovid in The West Country competition celebrates young writers who reinterpret classical myths for contemporary audiences, and Jarra’s entry stood out for its originality, creativity and thematic depth. The judges praised her for the way she blended timeless mythology with a modern feminist perspective.
Jarra’s success is a source of pride for our school community. We congratulate her on this incredible achievement and can’t wait to see what creative endeavors she takes on next. Bravo, Jarra!
Miss Campbell, Teacher of English
St Katherine's singers in joint concert
St Katherine’s choir were offered an amazing opportunity to join with musicians from the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire and other musicians from across CST schools to take part in a joint concert. The event was a huge success with students and audience members absolutely LOVING the music and the fun atmosphere. It was a brilliant example of musical collaboration across the trust and the St Katherine’s choir did a stunning job in learning all the pieces so well in just four weeks.
The concerts took place on Wednesday 16th October at Trinity Academy to a packed hall of 500 excited primary and secondary students. The programme featured a really diverse range of music such as The Final Countdown, Toreador Song (from the opera Carmen), Bohemian Rhapsody, Wild Mountain Thyme (a celtic folk song) and even the theme tune from Ghostbusters!
I was so proud of our choir; they sang brilliantly, behaved impeccably and looked extremely smart. I had SO many lovely compliments about them from the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire musicians, Mr Nicholls (Director of Music across the trust), staff from visiting schools, Mr Bailey (Headteacher at Trinity Academy) and even Mr Blundell.
A huge well done to all members of choir: you were wonderful!
Miss Adams, Head of Music
Incredible Christmas lunch
Huge thanks to Mrs Sharp and the hard-working catering team for serving 577 Christmas lunches to students and staff on the penultimate day of term! Our sixth form team were also a credit to the school in helping organising the event - well done everyone!
Movember 2024
We are hugely proud of the St Katherine's Movember team who have raised an incredible £1863 for men's mental health! This phenomenal achievement earned them 56th place out of school teams in the UK.
Well done to everyone and thanks to Deputy Head student Theeban Mahesan for organising the team - he did say he was relieved when he could shave his moustache off though!
Remembrance commemoration
We held a whole school Remembrance Service on 11th November as part of our commemorations to pay our respects to fallen service men and women. Thanks to Theeban Mahesan who once again played the Last Post as part of this moving event.
Well done Stephenson!
We were delighted to present our Reading Log House Competition award to Stephenson recently to recognise their ongoing dedication to reading for at least twenty minutes every day at home. Jarra, Plum, Mr Court, Wilf and Olivia demonstrate every day the value and importance of reading. - Reading Changes Minds!
Sixth Form Update |
And the winner is… [drumroll]
The most anticipated event in the Sixth Form … actually the whole school … actually the whole of North Somerset - has just reached its conclusion.
That’s right, the St Katherine’s Sixth Form Annual Christmas Decoration Competition™ winners have been announced. And who would take the crown?
Would it be Ms Ball and Ms Wilsher’s spectacular Elf on a Shelf-themed offering? Mr Hake’s ‘Christmas in the Shire’, complete with Mr Hake himself as Gandalf the Grey and Gollum lurking in the Tuck Shop? How about Mr Fey’s living, breathing nativity scene, complete with brass band? Or, would Mr Hodgson and Ms Cameron retain their title with their surreal, experimental and truly spectacular trip to the farthest reaches of the galaxy?
It was, without the doubt, the hardest decision I have ever had to make, and I don’t say that lightly. But finally, the prize was awarded to ……the slick, professional, well-oiled machine that was 6GAB and their Elf on a Shelf wonderland. The level of effort and engagement from every student (and the tutors!), the wit and thoughtfulness that went into the design, and the general festive cheer in the room was such a joy to see. As a cohort, the bar has officially been raised. I already can’t wait for next year.
This all comes at the end of another action-packed term. Huge thanks to our students for leading on so many events and initiatives, including a brilliant Sixth Form Open Evening way back in the first week of term; the fantastic Movember campaign led by Theeban Mahesan which raised almost £1900 for Men’s Mental Health (with an ample contribution from Tom Stancliffe and Eve Osborn who organised and ran a funfair for the lower school), and more recently, to Hope Roberts and Theeban (again!) for making this year’s Christmas Carol Service such a magical evening. And finally, thanks to all the students who seamlessly ran the Christmas Dinner service for the whole school in the last week of term. We quite literally couldn’t do it without the commitment, engagement and organisation of our Sixth Form leaders and volunteers.
We wish everyone a restful Christmas break, but of course, keep one eye on both internal and external exams coming up in January. You can find an exam schedule at this link.
Nadolig Llawen!
Mr Davies, Head of Sixth Form
Art students head to London galleries
In early December Year 13 A Level art students attended an inspirational, exciting visit to London galleries - Tate Britain and The National Gallery - leaving at 7.30am and returning just before 10pm.
Students drew and photographed exhibits in the galleries; the documented experience will form an important part of the students' coursework submission for their art A Level.
All students were impeccably behaved, polite, courteous and curious; an absolute pleasure to escort on this unique experience.
Ms Tallis, Head of Art
Biologists get practical!
Recently Y13 biology students went on a trip to We the Curious to discover if they had a particular gene by carrying out DNA profiling. They used equipment that is often found in a university lab and carried out DNA extraction, PCR cycle and gel electrophoresis. In the afternoon they also had a debate around genetic testing. It was a brilliant day all round!
Mrs Holmes, Biology Lead
Art trip to Bristol
Art students in Years 10, 12 and 13 took part in our annual art trip to Bristol galleries last week. Students visited the Royal West of England Academy and the Bristol Museum and Art Gallery.
This was a fantastic opportunity for students to experience other artists’ work, record from first-hand observation, gather ideas and further strengthen their coursework.
Once again staff were impressed by all the students who were a real credit to St Katherine's and conducted themselves beautifully whilst in the gallery spaces.
Student feedback was also really positive:
"I really enjoyed having an 'in-person' insight into other cultures and art styles and it was inspiring and interesting."
"I enjoyed seeing the presentation and layout of all the pieces in real-life...they were so interesting and made you think."
Ms Tallis, Head of Art
Surfers catch the waves in Devon
12 brave Year 11 students faced incredible weather to catch some waves in Westward Ho! Despite the down pours, the clean and small waves were perfect for both beginners and those with a bit more practice. Some incredible, long cruisy rides were had in between the torrential rain. Many students got their first waves! Everyone enjoyed the incredible views on the beach and some delicious fish and chips followed by the compulsory ice cream. Looking forward to more trips - maybe even some frosty winter surf next year!
Mr Hodgson, Outdoor Education Lead
Year 7 students enjoy a challenge
Year 7 students have started their school careers at St Katherine's by completing an amazing challenge - climbing Sugar Loaf! At 596m, it stands slightly lower than a mountain, but offers plenty of uphill and hardwork. Year 7 tutor groups each set off determined to reach the top, they have to help each other, stay positive and dig deep to reach the top. We have had some spectacular views from the top (and some cloudier views) but all students put in lots of effort and worked hard to reach their goal. Well done everyone!
Mr Hodgson, Outdoor Education Lead
A tribute to Paul Stephenson OBE 1937 - 2024 |
Dr Paul Stephenson OBE (1937–2024) was a towering figure in British civil rights history, whose relentless pursuit of justice helped pave the way for racial equality and set powerful precedents that reverberate to this day. Known for his unwavering commitment to dismantling racial discrimination, Dr Stephenson is best remembered for leading the 1963 Bristol Bus Boycott, a pivotal moment in British civil rights inspired by the American movement. His leadership in that campaign led to the Bristol Omnibus Company lifting its "colour bar," changing employment practices and proving that community activism could drive institutional change in the UK.
In 1964, he made headlines again when he refused to leave a pub, challenging the racist policies that limited Black patrons' rights. This act of defiance was one of many that helped bring about the landmark Race Relations Act in 1965, which, for the first time in British history, outlawed racial discrimination in public spaces and employment. Dr Stephenson's commitment to justice and equality, often achieved at great personal cost, was honoured with an OBE for his lifetime achievements, and his work serves as a lasting testament to courage, integrity, and an uncompromising dedication to the greater good.
Many staff and students at St Katherine’s were fortunate enough to meet Paul Stephenson when he visited our school on 25 October 2018, shortly after we established Stephenson House. It was a powerful and moving occasion as Paul talked to students and encouraged them ‘to use their brains’ in the fight for equality and said he was ‘overwhelmed’ to have a St Katherine’s House named in his honour.
Throughout his life, Dr Stephenson inspired generations to fight for a society free from discrimination. His legacy remains a beacon of hope and a reminder that change is possible when people stand up against injustice. He will be remembered for his strength, his humility, and his tireless work to secure a fairer, more inclusive society. His legacy will forever remain etched on the minds of all at St Katherine’s.
Headteacher commendations |
Key Stage 3
Year 7: Wren Hutchins-Davies
Year 8: Hamish Culverhouse, Jarra Touray and Livie Richardson
Year 9: Eve Ward and Emmie Bobby
Key Stage 4
Year 10: Harvey Bambury, Ami Kaman, Jake Robson, Faria Azim, Heidi Martineau and Megan Orchard.
Year 11: Lashae Smith, Grace Jenkins, Fatima Butt, Cerys Voisy and Ari Westerberg.
Sixth Form: Theeban Mahesan and Winnie Fey.
News from the Library Resource Centre |
Book Buzz 2024
One of our favourite events! Every student in Year 7 has had the opportunity to choose a free book from a fantastic list of 15 titles. The orders were placed in November and we have been waiting patiently for the books to arrive. They came to school in the last week of term and we now have the exciting job of giving them out to our students!
Bristol Teen Book Award
Bristol Teen Book Award (BTBA) - did you know we have our very own book award in the Bristol area? Now in its 6th year, the award celebrates six of the very best titles published for Young Adults every year with a strong diversity theme. Pop into the Library to explore the shortlisted titles for the 2025 award.
Reading millionaires
Congratulations on reaching this milestone to;
Library advent calendar
In the build-up to Christmas the library had our first interactive advent calendar. Each day had a different criteria and a lucky student will win a brand new book and some sweet treats!
As a new addition to our stock offer, we now have a regular subscription to several popular magzines available for students to read in the Library. Titles include BBC Widlife, Four Four Two and How it Works amongst others.
Pankhurst House Update |
A Term of Achievement and Progress
As we close out a challenging, cold and windy term, it is with great pleasure that I reflect on the many accomplishments of Pankhurst House. Despite the season's difficulties, we have much to celebrate!
After a somewhat disappointing performance in the smaller competitions last term, I challenged the House to approach these events with renewed commitment and focus. I’m delighted to report that they rose to the challenge. Our entries in the Christmas Card, Christmas Wreath and Christmas Decoration Competitions were exceptional. We secured third place in the Christmas Card Competition, a strong result given the high level of competition. In the Christmas Wreath Competition, Pankhurst House triumphed, winning both 1st and 2nd place, with 8P1 narrowly beating 10P1’s beautiful creation. What made these achievements even more meaningful was the visible extra effort from every participant, truly reflecting our core House values of passion and perseverance.
However, it is in the sporting competitions that I am most proud of our progress. Historically, Pankhurst has faced challenges in this area, but we are steadily improving. After a strong finish last year, where we placed second in Sports Day, our House has continued to build on that momentum. In the Autumn House Sport competition, our Year 7 Boys finished in 2nd place, the Year 8 Girls also secured 2nd place and the Year 9 Boys finished 1st. Pankhurst House overall placed 2nd in the competition. In the Cross Country competitions, our athletes performed exceptionally well, with the Year 8 Boys, Year 9 Boys, Year 10 Boys and Year 10 Girls all finishing in 1st place. While Pankhurst finished 3rd overall, the individual results were outstanding. During the Winter Sport competition, Pankhurst continued to impress with the Year 7 Boys, Year 9 Boys and Year 10 Boys all finishing 1st and the Year 8 Girls finishing 2nd. Pankhurst secured 2nd place overall in this competition as well.
I’ve encouraged the House to take pride in these accomplishments and to continue building our confidence for the upcoming events. Our performances so far show we are more than capable of competing at the highest level.
We are currently in 3rd place in the House Championship, a notable improvement from our 4th place finish in Term 1. While Stephenson and Turing Houses have gained a lead, I am confident that we can continue building on our progress this term. Our goal is to close the gap and compete for the top spot by Term 6. As I shared with the House today, our challenge is to strive to be the best House in Terms 3, 4 and 5 to ensure we are in the running for that coveted top spot come Term 6.
As we head into the festive period, I would like to wish you all a restful and enjoyable break. I hope that both you and your children find time to relax and recharge, ensuring that we all return to school in January ready for the challenges of Term 3.
Warm wishes,
Mr Murdoch, Head of Pankhurst House
Stephenson House Update |
As term two comes to a close and the nights draw in, I am proud to recount some of the great successes Stephenson House has enjoyed. From sport to art, and from quizzes to creative writing, whatever the challenge, we have demonstrated the RED house values of resilience, equality, and determination.
The passing of our house icon, Dr Paul Stephenson OBE, cast a shadow over the end of 2024 for all Stephenson staff and students. After sharing our initial thoughts, commemorations and memories, we sought to create something to mark the moment. We took a portrait of Dr Stephenson and divided it into sections. Each tutor rep and house leader painted a square, and when assembled, these created a portrait of Dr Stephenson. This now hangs in reception as a thank you from everyone at St Katherine’s for everything Dr Stephenson fought so hard for.
At the start of term two, the students in 11S1 and 11S2 faced their most rigorous task so far in the form of their mock exams. I am pleased to report that they conducted themselves with grace and dignity and have made great strides towards preparing for the summer exam season. Now, more than ever, these students must understand that from adversity comes progress.
With pride and joy, I am honoured to say that Stephenson House is still leading the house championship at Christmas. However, the other houses are close on our heels.
We started the term with a bang, as Stephenson House triumphed in the Christmas card design competition. Well done to Wren Felton, Liv Richardson, Charlie Stokes, and Grace Muzzlewhite. Moving from strength to strength, we won the inter-house winter sports competition. Unfortunately, we fell short in the pumpkin carving and Christmas wreath contests, but we dominated the Christmas decoration contest.
As an English teacher by trade, it makes me very proud to see how Stephenson House has become a fortress of reading. We top the charts in Years 7 and 8 for completed reading logs. A huge congratulations to Jarra, Wilf, Olivia, and Plum, who have all read over a million words so far this academic year.
Mr Court, Head of Stephenson House
Turing House Update |
Term 2 is always an incredibly busy time in the school calendar. As we approach the festive season, I’m thrilled to share the remarkable and inspiring accomplishments of our Turing House community.
The students of Turing House continually impress me with their individual and collective achievements. They exemplify unity and teamwork in all they do, and I feel privileged to serve as the Head of this close-knit and supportive house. I’m deeply grateful to our exceptional Tutor Team, alongside our dedicated House Leaders, Liam Davies and Cerys Voisey, and Deputy House Leaders, Manon Herzog and Lucas Whitfield, for their unwavering support.
Celebrating Year 11 Efforts
November was a demanding month for our Year 11 students as they tackled their mock exams. Their commitment and perseverance in preparing for these assessments were commendable. What truly stood out, however, was their ongoing participation in house activities despite the pressures of exams. I wish all Year 11 students a well-earned and restful holiday break.
Tremendous Weekly Turings
This term, 48 students were recognised by their tutors as Tremendous Weekly Turings. Whether it was achieving personal goals, improving behavior or attendance, or consistently demonstrating outstanding conduct and perseverance, these students exemplify the values we hold dear in Turing House. Congratulations to each one of you for your hard work and dedication!
- 7T1: Harrison Rafferty, Jessica Summerhayes, James Coleman, Maisey Alder, Ben Longstaff and Keiran Daire.
- 7T2: Kiyan Victor, Millie Warren, Rosie-Bell Welton, Christopher Garnev, Theo Dun and Frankie Peacock.
- 8T: Azumi Lucas, Billy Morgan, Sofia Mueller, Reece Thompson, Phoebe Charlewood and Sam Freeston.
- 9T1: Jay Jackson, Tom Hillitt, Isla Powell, Lucas Farley, Layla Kendall and Erin Whitfield.
- 9T2: Charlotte Alves, Walter Rogers, Lexi Williams, Oscar Warren, George Hallford and Freddie Kingdom.
- 10T: Maddie Passco, Harvey Bambury, Artie Cunningham, Levi Faulks, Mabel Challice and Eleana Antonio.
- 11T1: Bo O'Callaghan, Anaiya Brady, Matei Achim, Liam Davies, Gethin Vaughan and Elisha Neely Jenkins.
- 11T2: Jack Atkinson, Oliver Morgan, Bella Perales- Morris, Kyiona Francis, Erin Reeves and Hassan Maxamuud.
Magnificent Termly Turings
Our Magnificent Termly Turings are students who have consistently embodied Turing’s core values—Unity, Acceptance, and Determination—throughout the entire term. Their resilience and leadership serve as an inspiration not just within Turing House, but across the whole school. A huge well done to:
- 7T1: Jessica Summerhayes - For always following instructions, exceeding expectations, being so kind, respectful and helpful. You are a pleasure to have as a member of our tutor.
- 7T2: Jacob Griffiths – For being a diligent and reliable member of the tutor group, participating in nearly every house competition. Well done, Jacob!
- 8T: Azumi Lucas – An all-round star with the highest number of praise points in the tutor group, excellent reading habits, and active involvement in house competitions and extracurricular clubs.
- 9T1: Otto Penn – A fantastic role model who consistently gives his best and leads the tutor group in praise points. Keep it up!
- 9T2: Milly Matthews – Creative and supportive, Milly tackles house challenges with enthusiasm and serves as a caring role model.
- 10T: Harvey Bambrough – A brilliant contributor to the tutor group, showing exceptional strength of character.
- 11T1: Liam Davies – An outstanding house leader, actively contributing to assemblies, prom planning, and house events. You truly embody Turing House’s values.
- 11T2: Joe Cook - Huge academic improvement since his end of year 10 mocks
We’re incredibly proud of each of you—keep up the fantastic work!
Top Praise Earners
The following students have earned the highest praise points in their tutor groups, reflecting their outstanding contributions to school life:
- 7T1: Freddie Frenchard – 220 points
- 7T2: Elliott Sims – 210 points
- 8T: Baptiste Herzog and Sofia Mueller – 156 points
- 9T1: Walter Rogers – 201 points
- 9T2: Tom Hillitt – 191 points
- 10T: Karell Gillard-O’Donnell – 146 points
- 11T1: Matei Achim – 95 points
- 11T2: Isobel Charlewood – 109 points
Congratulations to all our top earners—you’ve set a brilliant example for your peers.
House Competitions Highlights
This term, Turing students showcased their creativity and unity through a variety of house competitions:
- Winter Card Competition: Congratulations to Sofia Mueller (1st place), Lilly Barrett (2nd place), and Thishi Thiruchenthuran (3rd place).
- Tutor Group Wreath Competition: Each tutor group created stunning Christmas-themed wreaths, demonstrating true teamwork and house spirit. Special thanks to the individuals who went above and beyond to lead their groups—your efforts were truly appreciated!
- House Christmas Tree Decoration Competition: A big thank you to Mrs Holmes (7T2), Isla Speed (7T1), and Jacob Griffiths (7T2) for your creative designs and dedication.
Sporting Achievements
Turing House also had a strong presence in this term’s sporting events:
- Autumn Benchball: Year 7 Girls – 2nd place
- Autumn Dodgeball: Year 7 and Year 10 Boys – 2nd place
- Winter Rugby: Year 8 and Year 10 Boys – 2nd place
- Winter Netball: Year 7 Girls – 2nd place; Year 9 Girls – 1st place!
Well done to everyone who represented Turing House—you embodied our wolf team spirit and demonstrated determination in every competition.
House Competition Standings
Currently, Turing House is in 2nd place overall, just 11 points behind Stephenson House. Let’s use this as motivation to push forward in the spring term. Key areas to focus on include:
- Winning the house ethos competition
- Fielding full teams in all house sport competitions
- Y7-9 students quizzing and logging their reading
- Participating in house events
- Striving to be the best version of ourselves
- Let’s embrace the spirit of teamwork and aim for the top spot, remembering: “The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.”
As we approach the holiday season, I’d like to extend my warmest wishes to you and your families for a joyful and restful Christmas break. We look forward to welcoming all students back to school on Tuesday, 6 January 2025.
Mrs Price, Head of Turing House
Yousafzai House Update |
It has been another fantastic term for Yousafzai House at St Katherine’s, filled with competitions and plenty of opportunities to recognize and celebrate the incredible contributions of our students.
This term’s ethos competition focused on punctuality. While we placed fourth, it was inspiring to see significant improvement in this area as the term progressed. Keep it up, Yousafzai! Last term, 7Y earned the highest attendance and behaviour ratio across the house and celebrated with a box of homemade brownies. This term, our in-house competition centred on behaviour, and 7Y showed exceptional determination and aspiration, winning for the second term in a row. Their tutor, Miss Venn, made sure every chance for a sweet treat was fully embraced!
Throughout Term 2, we saw great participation in house competitions, from pumpkin carving to Christmas decorations and cards. A special mention goes to Emily Brosa (9Y), who has been a standout this term, contributing significantly to these competitions and earning substantial points for the house. Emily created a stunning cat-themed Christmas card and a wire elephant, representing our house icon. Yousafzai also triumphed in the staff and overall pumpkin carving competition, with Oakley Newman (7Y) securing 1st place.
We’ve made great strides in the house reading competition, moving up from fourth to third place overall. Huge congratulations to Year 8 Yousafzai for winning the reading logs competition—well done!
In Winter House Sport, the girls finished strongly in second place, while Yousafzai placed 4th overall, just two points behind Turing. Although this result is disappointing, it shows how close we are to the competition, fuelling our determination for the next round of house sport.
Our weekly house assemblies have continued to be a highlight, where we celebrate achievements and reflect on areas for improvement. I’ve been incredibly proud to recognize our Marvellous Malalas each week, nominated by their tutors for their outstanding effort, aspiration, and friendship. The house is filled with exceptional students and I look forward to celebrating even more in the future.
This term, I’m pleased to highlight 40 outstanding students who have embodied the values of aspiration, determination, and friendship. These students have been nominated as Marvellous Malalas for their tutor groups during Term 2:
- 7Y: Dylan Malden, Ellie Roberts, Mathilda Culverhouse, Connor Carkeek, Mabel Butcher, Vaila Cormack
- 8Y1: Tilly Buxton, Chloe Poole, Anisa Butt, Jess Mawer, Amelia Payne, Carmen Santo
- 8Y2: Barnaby Mager, Tallulah Cooke, Mya Chambers, Emily Bidwell, George Frost
- 9Y: Stanley Marshall, Imogen Slee, Lola Dewing, Emily Wiltshire, Jack Kennedy, Emily Brosa
- 10Y1: Libby Williams, Lola Kadir, Minaal Zaheer, Shantajah Simmonds, Rhia Black, Heidi Martineau
- 10Y2: Pearl Harris, Ava Gordon-Nippress, Teddy Lane, Ava Fowler, Sophia Kadir, Alex Marton
- 11Y: Jack McGuire, Zai Hulton, Seb Slee, Gavin Clapson
Special commendation goes to the following standout students who have truly gone above and beyond, setting the highest of standards for their peers. Top Praise Earners in Each Tutor Group:
- 7Y: Connor Carkeek
- 8Y1: Carmen Santo
- 8Y2: Finn Blakeney
- 9Y: Charlie Carkeek
- 10Y1: Libby Williams
- 10Y2: Sam Gurr
- 11Y: Seb Slee
As we head into the festive season and enjoy a well-deserved break, I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all parents and carers for their continued support, and to all Yousafzai students for their hard work and determination throughout the term. Have a wonderful holiday, and I look forward to seeing you all in the new year!
Miss Robinson, Head of Yousafzai House
PE and Sport News |
- It's been 7 weeks of hectic sporting action in PE with a huge number of students making the most of the opportunities that have been on offer
- We started this term with some of our best cross country runners taking on the best that North Somerset had to offer at our annual championships. We are delighted to share that St Katherine's posted their best finish for at least the last 15 years taking the bronze medal overall. We had 14 individual runners earn themselves selection for TEAM North Somerset who will compete early in 2025 against the best runners from BANES, Bristol and South Gloucestershire
- St Katherine's entered their first proper short mat bowls competition this year and played their very first fixture against Timsbury short mat bowls club. It was great to see our young players competing so well against the experienced Timsbury players, some of whom play county level short mat bowls. We are looking forward to our next round of fixtures in 2025. As well as entering the challenge cup, we also had a number of individuals enter the inaugural Avon Closed U18 Singles competition. With more than 16 entries, it was a great competition which saw Henry Marsh crowned overall champion and Alicia McPherson compete in the plate final. Well done to all 9 of our players.
- There have been stacks of students involved in team sport action across the school this term with lots of notable achievements. Our 6F boys Somerset Cup run came to an end with a valiant performance on the amazing new all-weather pitch at Portishead Town FC. Our U16 girls will contest the quarter finals of their competition after Christmas having enjoyed two impressive victories over Broadoak and Writhlington. As well as impressing on the football pitch, the girls also enjoyed hockey success winning their annual North Somerset tournament after a string of brilliant performances. We've also seen brilliant efforts from our Year 7, 8 & 9 netball teams at their end of season tournaments - all of whom competed superbly against other local schools. Somerset Cup holders and our current U14 boys are still in the running to retain their title having come through a couple of tough cup encounters already this year. They've had late winners, penalty shootouts and huge drama as they seek to stamp their name on the trophy for the second year running. Cup football seems not to be enough for the Year 9 boys as they are also in cup rugby action on the penultimate day of term 2. At the time of writing, it is the morning of the game so by the time you're reading this you may already know the result - good luck to our boys!
- Sportshall athletics fever has swept across St Katherine's in term 2 and in typical fashion, our students have given a series of special performances. After our normal round of lessons, practices and training we had teams from Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 compete at the NS championships this term. All four of our 7 & 8 teams have qualified for the North Somerset finals which take place in early January and with four convincing victories in the north schools event all teams have genuine hopes of qualification for the West of England finals. We also enjoyed great success in the older age groups with 3 golds and a silver medal. We're hoping to arrange an Avon competition for the New Year for these age groups too so watch this space!
- Last but by no means least we've had dodgeball, benchball, netball and rugby house competitions this term with more than 600 students representing their houses. We've seen some fiercely contested sporting contests but it is Stephenson house who have enjoyed a stellar series of events. Stephenson currently sit atop of the Christmas standings with the three chasing houses all clustered together around 20 points behind. I am sure that the competition will continue to intensify in the New Year. Our thanks to everyone who has already represented their houses this year.
- As always, the above is just a small window into one term of PE. There's only one way to find out about everything that happened in term 2 and that's by subscribing to our termly newsletter which you can do by completing the form at this link - bit.ly/skpenews.
Mr Cook, Head of PE
Term 3 dates for your diary |
- 06 January: INSET day
- 07 January: Students in school for Term 3
- 22 January: Year 8 HPV vaccinations
- 22 January: Year 10 Virtual Progress Evening
- 27 January: Y9 Future Brunel WECA activity day
- 28 January: Y8 Future Brunel WECA activity day
- 03-06 February: Year 12 Geography trip to Slapton Ley
- 05 February: Y11 Virtual Progress Evening
- 12 February: Y9 Options evening
- 14 February: End of Term 3
- 15-22 February: Ski trip to Sestriere, Italy
- 24 February: Students in school for Term 4
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