
Role of the Local Governing Body

Broadly, the role of the Governing Body (LGB) is to provide focused governance for the school at a local level. 

It has three core functions:

  • ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils;
  • overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

The LGB acts as a critical friend to the Headteacher, providing challenge where appropriate. 

It carries out its functions in relation to the school on behalf of and in accordance with policies determined by the Trustees (of the Cathedral Schools Trust). 

The Board meets one evening every term and makes regular planned visits during the school day as well as ad hoc task groups and related activity over the school year. Governors are expected to undertake regular training to ensure they are equipped with the necessary skills to carry out their roles effectively.

Composition of the Local Governing Body

The LGB comprises a maximum of twelve members (Local Governors), including:

  • the Headteacher of the school/Academy;
  • at least one elected parent or guardian of a pupil at the school/Academy (Parent Local Governors);
  • up to two employees of the school/Academy comprising one teacher member and one elected support staff member elected by employees of the school/Academy ((Staff Local Governors); 
  • such other members as the Trustees decide (Co-opted Local Governors).

There is a 'Chair' and a 'Vice-Chair'.

The length of service of all Local Governors is four years.  Subject to remaining eligible to be a Local Governor, any Local Governor may be reappointed or re-elected at the end of his or her term.

Every person wishing to become a Local Governor has signed a declaration of acceptance and a willingness to act as a Local Governor and made disclosures for the purposes of a criminal records check by the Disclosure and Barring Service. Local Governors are required to make an annual disclosure of any business interest that are (or could be) relevant to the Trust's activities.

Details of current governors can be found here

Parents can contact the Chair/ Board members through the school on 

Details of the Trust's governance arrangements, including trustees can be found here. These pages also include the Trust's Scheme of Governance, Decision Matrix and Constitution and Terms of Delegation for LGBs.

Chair of Governors:  William Harding