Stephenson House do the double again!

It is with great pleasure that we announced that Stephenson House have retained the House Championship and the Sporting Cup this academic year. The result of this year's House Championship was announced to invited guests in the lecture theatre on the last Monday of term and live streamed into tutor groups so that everyone in our community was able to hear the announcement at the same time.

The race to be House Champions 2023 has been incredibly close for much of the year and right until the last minute it looked possible that Turing House might deprive Stephenson of a second victory in a row.

What a fitting goodbye for Mr Thomas who is leaving St Katherine's School this year after 17 years of service to our school community. He will be greatly missed and the success of Stephenson House this year is a fantastic way for him to end his time with us. 

For more details of the House Championship, including many individual triumphs, see the end of year edition of our newsletter.