16 to 19 Tuition Fund

16-19 Tuition Fund Statement


The 16-19 tuition fund is a funding allocation introduced in 2021-22 to mitigate the disruption to learning for sixth form students aged 16 – 19 as a result of the coronavirus outbreak.

Students prioritised for this tuition will be those who have not achieved a grade 4/5 in English or Maths, students from disadvantaged backgrounds and those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

The full guidance can be found on the government website.


The policy at St Katherine’s School is not to create one generic solution for every student who meets the criteria, but to develop tailored support that meets the needs of each individual in relation to their Level 3 curriculum choices. We will do this in a number of ways:

  • To support those who are resitting GCSE English and/or Maths, we have created an extra GCSE English lesson per week and an extra GCSE Maths lesson per week. This is run in addition to their A Level curriculum and if necessary will continue throughout the year to prepare students for the GCSE exam in the summer. Each group will be for five or fewer students. They will be taught by a permanent member of staff from the school 
  • We are tracking the progress of all eligible students in order to provide them with subject-specific, small group tuition as the year progresses. These groups will consist of eligible students from either Year 12 or Year 13 (year groups taught separately), be subject-specific in their focus and be delivered to students by private tutors hired by the school 
  • To provide revision resources, such as revision guides and access to Hegarty Maths.


St Katherine’s School is committed to ensuring that the tuition fund is used in accordance with the Government’s guidance by;

  • Producing this statement explaining how we will use the funding and publicising it on our website 
  • Recording the use of funding, including reference to the individual students that receive the support the needs of those students, the number of hours of tuition delivered and retain the necessary evidence of the tuition provided. 
  • Notifying Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) of any unspent funding from this fund in order for it to be reclaimed