Year 7 Transition 2024

We know that the step up from primary to secondary school can be a time of concern for many children (and parents and carers!) so we make every effort to ensure that starting at St Katherine’s is a smooth, happy experience.

Our transition team are highly experienced, we visit new students in their primary schools from around Easter time. Along with meeting the new students we discuss each child with their Year 6 teacher and/or key member of staff.

For students with special educational needs and disabilities, Mrs Flora Slater, our SENDCO, visits the school. We hold additional transitional visits for all students with special educational needs or those who will need additional support to secure a smooth transition. This will include discrete induction sessions at St Katherine’s.

We will hold a two day induction programme on 2nd and 3rd July 2024. These fun packed days combine taster lessons and the opportunity for all students to meet their new tutor and the children who will be in their tutor group. We will also welcome parents/ carers to our induction evening on 2nd July which closes with a complimentary BBQ. 

For more information about starting at St Katherine’s please see our Year 7 Parent/Carer Information Handbook.

At St Katherine's we place a real emphasis on the value of reading, it's really important that students continue reading over the summer holidays. Ms Wyld, our librarian, has created the Year 7 Transition Reading Leaflet which includes lots of suggestions for new titles to try and further information is available on the Library Resource Centre page on our website.

For any further assistance please contact:  or Mrs Flora Slater, SENDCO.